There is a huge blow job outside
Mother Earth. Mr wind. You name it.
Is giving us So Cal people a big blow job right now.
The wind is crazy. It's the Santa Ana winds. According to the news.
Im cozy inside.
Have lit several candles. Watching Grey's and sipping Himla Gott tea from my big Indiska cup!
Mmmm... Winterfall so wonderful .
- Tomorrow will be a Santa Workshop day. Im going to try to get some Christmas gifts done of the ones im going to make myself and them maybe head down to 3rd street and shop a little to the ones I love! Need to finish the ones for my family and friends in Sweden.
- Maybe I will have time to go to Trader Joes?
- And get my laundry done at the laundry mat.
- And bake a little?
Heading over to the Georgian to hang out with Anna, Adam & Fredrik.
Hope the wind is going to be nice to me on my way there!
Dreams collide.
And sometimes they just go.
And sometimes it's to late for you to notice that they are fading away. To late to save them. But they will still always be there and bug you. Cause they know you still dream them. In some way. That you feel incoplete without them. That you need to make them happen to make you happy. With out living and believing that your dreams will come true and that they really matter to you.
Dreams make you grow. Dreams make you happy and dreams create you.
So don't stop dreaming and believing in them.
I must admit that I have let my dreams go a little lately. And with lately I mean years. Slowly those 1.000.000 string holding the dreams to me have been untied and set free slowly. Without me telling them to.
It's not to late for me to save my dreams. All the strings are not lose yet.
This is a reminder to me and to you.
Before it's to late.
I'm going to hold on. Cause I know that my dreams will always be there. But they will make me cry if I don't believe in them. And don't fight for them.
I feel like my life is the rubic cube and I'm the one trying to solve it. Im twisting and turning. Get one row done but to make another color complete I have to break the one I just solved.. I'm twisting and turning...
Twisting and turning.
I know it's possible but sometimes I just wan't to let it go for I while cause I know I can't finish the whole thing. Go all the way. I just want to through that rubic cube on the floor. And walk away.
But I can't everytime I look at it I feel guilty. I pick it up. Try one more time. Cause I know it's possible. I keep trying.
But it's like a circle. you know.
Today was a day like that. I just wanted to put that cube on fire. It really made me angry.
I'm really thankful for everything I have but I feel caged. I'm in the land of the free but my freedom is limited. But I know I can make it happen! I can get free. Just need to solve that freekin cube.
And I keep dreaming. New dreams. That work with my old dreams. Cause I will never forget them. Just solve them. Arrange them into colors,.... and make the cube. WORK.
Blogging a little and have this coffee made everything much better.
Love to you all.
And hugs.
say what you need to say
Thanksgiving and 1:a Advent in SoCal
This past week was so fun!
But long, the weekend started on Wednesday night due to Thanksgiving on Thursday and lasted all the way to Sunday.
Finally Monday and back on track!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We spent it at our friends place and ate tons of turkey, pie, sweet-potatoes and everything that belongs to the thanksgiving table.

The weather has been fantastic. So hot and sunny and we have been trying to be outside as much as possible.
On saturday Fred and I went down to the beach, biked around watched the ocean and 4 dolphines surpriced us in the ocean. A surfer was a feet away from them. I would love to be that close to dolphines.
It was such an amazing thing to see on a beautiful day like Saturday. After the dolphin watching we went to Cha Cha Chicken for som Carribian food. I love that place. You can bring your own alcohol and the place make you feel like you are on a tropical island.

We have been chillin the whole weekend. Just taking it easy and loading our batteries. On Sunday morning we went swimming at an outside pool and then we had a little Swedish 1:a Advent gathering at our house. I baked Lusse Katter and we drank glögg and lit our first candle.
Who is exited to go swimming??
Today I woke up early after passing out early last night. Got ready and went downtown to our weekly Måndagsklubben. Today we went to the Flower district and got some christmas flowers and an Orchide and some christmas ribbons at the Fashion Districs and wrapped it up with a lunch at Gram & Papa's. It was really good. Huge fresh salads. I love Downtown and everytime I go I discover something new.

Now Im finally home, baking some bread for the week and planting my orchide. ! Oh. And here is a pic of my new toilet paper holder. Got a little inspired by Mr.Kate. Check it out.
A tree that hugs a tree.
Downtown is making it happen. Here is the first ever bike lane in a different color than the street.
I'm turning into my granma!
I t ' s t r u e . A n d I h a v e p r o o f .
I'm so my granma. And it's nothing wrong with that... except that Im 25.. and she is much older... but maybe she has been like this her whole life? Maybe it's good to start early so you can be a good granma in the future?
- My granma loves to take photos. She has her cool camera and for as long as I remember she has been taking photos. She even has a cool flash jewelry around her neck that she wears everyday! My granpa gave it to her. And I think it's so sweet that she wears it everyday!
Her favorite thing to photograph along with her cute grandchildren is flowers. She must have a million photos of flowers...
And what do you think I love to photograph after people?? FLOWERS!!
And Granma loves to plant flowers as well. Yesterday I planted flowers... And the kind my granma always had outside her house.
When I was done planting flowers and got into a bake mood... Granma always bakes...
I baked tons of cupcakes and muffins... cookies...
My fridge is so stocked right now. LIKE MY GRANMA'S ALWAYS IS!!
Need to ad this little photo....
Got this Scrabble letters at the fleamarket and made a little wall art out of it...
My granma loves scrabble and I miss playing that at our summer house in Sweden!
Mormor. I sommar blir de alfapet på torpet!!
Last night I made bread... the kind granma makes...
So I could have it fresh by the morning.
Like granma.
Maybe I just miss her??
I don't think she looks like she is 86 years old. Not at all!!!
Enjoying this view right now.
It's really gloomy today but usually you see Downtown Los Angeles and the whole city all the way to the ocean.
Happy Friday.
Hugs Hugs Hugs
ps.W i s h G r a n m a G e r t r u d h a d f a c e b o o k ds.
Hawaii Love
I really wanna go to Hawaii.
- With Fredrik
And just relax. We have never been on a real vacation together were we just relax and not care about business.
Fredrik really wants to go to Hawaii too! It's a perfect Sofia & Fredrik island. Cause I love hiking, we both love the beach and Fred loves the tropic water and It's just perfect!
Just drive around and enjoy everything!!!
I was looking at tickets and I found a Roundtrip + Hotel for 8 days for only $ 1602 for 2 persons. Thats soooooo good!
Now I wanna go even more.
Need to do more research on Hawaii. Cause it would be so fun to go in like January!

i t n e e d s t o h a p p e n s o o n, v e r y s o o n
It's so close to California!
D r e a m i n g a w a y . . . . . . .
Chalk Board D.I.Y
Hope you had a good day yesterday!
Mine was good... to start with I was kind of bored. I have tons of things to do but it's not super fun to have to do everything by yourself but after skyping with Freds dad I "Tog mig sjalv i kragen" as we say in Sweden and went to Home Depot to get some things...
I was in the mood to spray paint... I got this cool Vintage Frame at the FleaMarket this past weekend and I wanted to get wood and spray paint to frame! To have my own Vintage looking Chalk Board to write notes on etc.
Would be fun to write the dinner menu if you have people over for dinner. Like my own little restaurant at home!
It was really easy to get done!
I went out to our back alley and spraypainted the piece of wood that I got at Home Depot .
I tested the paint first on another peace of wood to get a hold of the spraying techinque etc.
The trick is to always have an even flow and always move your hand! Back and forth about 15 cm away for the surface!
It turned out really great!
Karolin was making sure I did not mess up and kept me company.
It was the international Bundt Cake day and Nothing Bundt Cakes gave out free ones to the people on there email list and I was one of them!
Here Karolin and I are enjoying a white chocolate raspberry one! Yum. Beyond yum. So moist!!!
After the cupcake festivities Fred and I headed up to Hollywood to go see Augustana at the Hotel Cafe!
It was super fun and good!
Final result !!! Love my Chalk Board!
Hope you are having a great Wednesday!
chalkboard DIY
I can't wait for December. I wanna start decorate for Christmas and really get in the mood!
We have had a really nice weekend.
On Saturday I got to hang with this cuties!
We went and got a haircut and feathers in the hair. So pretty.
And Sunday we spent at the RoseBowl Fleamarket. Soo awesome. It's my 3rd time there and I found some amazing things.
The RoseBowlFleaMarket is world famous and suuuuuper big.
We have had a really nice weekend.
On Saturday I got to hang with this cuties!
We went and got a haircut and feathers in the hair. So pretty.
And Sunday we spent at the RoseBowl Fleamarket. Soo awesome. It's my 3rd time there and I found some amazing things.
The RoseBowlFleaMarket is world famous and suuuuuper big.
After the fleamarket we went to The Grove with Emma to see the Christmas Tree Lighting it was fun. Gavin DeGraw and Colbie Caillat played. Tons of people tho.
tree spoons for 3 friends.
It was snowing fake snow in LA.
Emma running around in the snow...
Today it was "Mondagsklubben" time. Me and some friends meet up in Downtown and walk around get fabric flowers etc. Today it was only me and Petra but we had a super good lunch at L.A. Cafe and got some flowers in the Flower District and I got my eyebrows done with tread. First time. They turned out soo good but it did hurt a little!
Some fashion blog people liked our style and wanted to take a picture and use it on there blog. Here is Petra signing the release.
Had to fix my eyebrow... I was a little tired of making advertising for Mc Donalds... My brows looked like a brown Mc Donalds M. But after the first time Eyebrow thread I was back on looking human.
Love my boots. And I love pattern blocking.
This ones are from Steve Madden.
I think today is the official Missing Sanna Day. Sanna I miss u!
Hugs to everyone who want's one from the one who loves hugging.
ps. If you wanna see my real blog font... that is really pretty for my links please download this font for free. ds.
( it's a really pretty script font).
Beautiful Mess
Beautiful Disaster.
That is my home right now. So messy but so beautiful. Cause it's a creative mess... kind of reflects my brain and thoughts...
I have tons of projects on the go. sewing curtains, crafting, singing and listening to music while Im baking bread and sweets and tasty dinners!
This week I have been blasting this English group called The Staves
They are sisters and there voices and magical! Check them out.
Perfect craft music at the little yellow house.
Beatrice came by in the begining of the week and had a fika with me! I haven't seen her in a year so it was so nice to get to catch up a little!
So happy I got to enjoy a hike this week as well!
I love hiking so much and wish I could do it everyday! It's a little tricky to get to a hike place without a car now when ours is broken down at the moment but I still get to go at least 2 times a week!
This time I went to Runyon Canyon cause I was in the hood!
Noticed this palmless trees on the way up! Kind of funny!
Christmas is here at Starbucks... But I think I will wait a few more weeks!
Wish they had Trader Joe's in Sweden. It's sooo fun! Best Best Best!!!
This week also included going to the Laundry Mat.
Cause it's real. Or I feel alive when Im there... And a little as Rachel in that Friends episode.... You know "The One With The East German Laundry Detergent" Gosh people can start a fight over a laundry cart! But Im always being nice!
One day Im going to sit in the cart. But not so comfy with that yet. But sooooon. Keep your eyes open!
Ohh. Check this place out!!! The Antique Mart in my neighborhood.
It's sooo awesome but soooo pricy!
But fun to look around!
So to wrap up my scaderd post. And week.
I want you all to know.
That this week, it has been a baking week at our house.
And this two last mornings I have been serving Scones for breakfast!
Soo yum!
I hope ur week was great!
I will update my weekend as soon as it's over!
runyon canyon
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