I'm turning into my granma!
I t ' s t r u e . A n d I h a v e p r o o f .
I'm so my granma. And it's nothing wrong with that... except that Im 25.. and she is much older... but maybe she has been like this her whole life? Maybe it's good to start early so you can be a good granma in the future?
- My granma loves to take photos. She has her cool camera and for as long as I remember she has been taking photos. She even has a cool flash jewelry around her neck that she wears everyday! My granpa gave it to her. And I think it's so sweet that she wears it everyday!
Her favorite thing to photograph along with her cute grandchildren is flowers. She must have a million photos of flowers...
And what do you think I love to photograph after people?? FLOWERS!!
And Granma loves to plant flowers as well. Yesterday I planted flowers... And the kind my granma always had outside her house.
When I was done planting flowers and got into a bake mood... Granma always bakes...
I baked tons of cupcakes and muffins... cookies...
My fridge is so stocked right now. LIKE MY GRANMA'S ALWAYS IS!!
Need to ad this little photo....
Got this Scrabble letters at the fleamarket and made a little wall art out of it...
My granma loves scrabble and I miss playing that at our summer house in Sweden!
Mormor. I sommar blir de alfapet på torpet!!
Last night I made bread... the kind granma makes...
So I could have it fresh by the morning.
Like granma.
Maybe I just miss her??
I don't think she looks like she is 86 years old. Not at all!!!
Enjoying this view right now.
It's really gloomy today but usually you see Downtown Los Angeles and the whole city all the way to the ocean.
Happy Friday.
Hugs Hugs Hugs
ps.W i s h G r a n m a G e r t r u d h a d f a c e b o o k ds.
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