float away studios
float away studios is the kind of place I go to when I want to get inspired.
my lovely friend Mary is a lover of love and she knows how to capture it.
I want to share some of my favorite pictures that Mary have taken. Mary and Scott (video) run the business floatawaystudios together. Mary is the photographer and Scott is the videographer. Im sitting here with tears rollin down my cheeks browsing through there blog. I cant believe how you can capure love the way they do. They make me wanna get merried and have a wedding day after day. So if you are a lover of love. Or in love or just want to see some amazing photos. floataway

my lovely friend Mary is a lover of love and she knows how to capture it.
people say dogs look like there owners, I think Rilo is the swetest dog I have ever met.
I want to share some of my favorite pictures that Mary have taken. Mary and Scott (video) run the business floatawaystudios together. Mary is the photographer and Scott is the videographer. Im sitting here with tears rollin down my cheeks browsing through there blog. I cant believe how you can capure love the way they do. They make me wanna get merried and have a wedding day after day. So if you are a lover of love. Or in love or just want to see some amazing photos. floataway

santorini, with love
I wanna go to Greece and sit on the beach naked and eat watermelon.
I wanna go to Greece and sit naked on the beach and eat watermelon.When I was a little "Grek-Flicka" (greek-girl) I lived on an Island named Crete in Greece. And sat naked on the beach alot and went throught tons of watermelons. I wanna go back. I havent been to Greece since the summer of 2005. It's time to go back.
I have been dreaming about going on an Island hopper trip. With a backpack, an ukulele and a good friend.
As the fact that I am half greek I should be ashamed. Cause I have only been to Crete and around Athens.
The end of this summer would be the perfect time for an epic Island Hopper Trip. With Mary. So she can have her watermelon on the beach.
Greece has 3000 islands, of which 170 are inhabited. The Islands are divided into 6 complexes or groups, determined by their positions. Those groups are the following: the Cyclades, the Dedecanesem the Northeast Aegean Islands, the Ionian Islands, the Argo-Soronic Islands and the Sporades. Add to the list Crete that does not officially belong to any of the groups and you will have a total.
Its going to be really hard to decide on what Islands to visit on this trip but we are going to reseach and I will keep you updated on what we decide on, aswell as I will try to find some tips. As for now I know I wanna go to Santorini (belongs to the cyclades group) Im going to stare at this photos. And dream away. pictures taken by perivolas.com
See you soon Santorini, with love.σας δούμε σύντομα Σαντορίνη, με αγάπη
pictures taken by perivolas.com and private.
boat hopper,
mom and I strolling around in venice, ca
My mom came to visit me. We have been bissy, hiking the L.A mountains, eating tons of food and biking around the beach. Here are some photos from our day in Venice. We biked alot and strolled around by the Venice Canals in Venice. Just a couple blocks away from the beach. It's a hidden paradise.
I walked around and took tons of pictures, pictures of small animals and pictures of frowers.
I think I have that after my granma. She loves to take photos, and she loves taking photos of flowers.
I took photos while my mom walked next to me and told me the correct name of each flower, the Latin name.
I call them flowers.
I call all of them flowers, beautiful flowers.
This is my favorite, my iris.
my favorite flower iris, it grows all around our house. It's not an coincidence. It's ment to be.I know that. You and I and iris. That's how it's ment to be.
as my mom would call it Dietes iridioides amatola
family: Iridaceae A.K.A. African Iris, Fortnight Lily, Morea Iris
It's good to know sometimes.
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